The only thing we at HEA love more than sending our animals home with their new forever families is hearing about how these furry kids are doing months - or even years - after leaving the Sanctuary. Lately, we've heard from a few adopters and wanted to share their updates with you - especially since many of you might remember their little faces!
The top two dogs pictured are Gunner and Peaches, who both went home with John and Rebecca Jacobson in Appleton a while back. Rebecca sent us a note, saying, "How time flies! Both Gunner and Peaches are doing well. When they play in the living room, they jump from couch to couch in tandem. Gunner loves to be outside and his favorite activity is rolling in the compost pile. Peaches is a lover and you should see her play!" We're so happy that these two are having a ball with John and Rebecca.
Probably the most famous pair of dogs to ever inhabit the Sanctuary were brothers Chubby and Lucky - beagle/basset hound mixes that came to HEA in 2006. They were 10 years old back then and had spent their entire lives outside - chained to their house. Not much of a life, huh? But, boy, did they enjoy their new lives at the Sanctuary! And everyone enjoyed having them around. They were inseparable. Yet even considering the conditions they spent their first 10 years in, they also adored people and were great snuggle partners.
But as much as they loved it here, they discovered they loved being adopted even more when the Tousey family of Bowler, Wis. took these two home last summer. The boys adjusted fabulously to their first real home and quickly bonded with their new, wonderful family.
Earlier this month (on Easter Sunday, in fact), Chubby passed away. Though the Touseys are grieving his loss, they have told us that Lucky is helping them cope. While we know he must miss his brother terribly, he's been very strong for the family and continues to eat, sleep and go for walks as usual. Diana Tousey reports, "I think Lucky realized before we did that his brother was going to leave us."
We're so grateful to the Touseys for giving both these guys such a great home. Lucky is indeed lucky to have such caring people to go through this experience with, and Chubby was lucky to spend his last year here on Earth with them. These two truly did get the chance to live happily ever after! (NOTE: Chubby is the one featured in the bottom picture above.)