Sunday, January 31, 2010

Support needed for Nikolas

We love sharing good news here on the HEA blog, but unfortunately tonight we have some sad/scary news about one of our critters. Last Thursday afternoon, Nikolas, an 8-month-old kitten born with a congenital deformity of only having 3 legs, was observed acting listless and under the weather. Originally it was believed he may have something as simple as an upper respiratory infection. However, when separated for observation, Nikolas' condition worsened, which included paralysis.

Sunday at 2 a.m., Nikolas was rushed to the Green Bay Animal Emergency Center where they immediately placed a catheter for an IV and injectable antibiotic as well as did bloodwork and x-rays. Bloodwork came back with nothing significantly wrong. and x-rays showed a perfect spine. You would think that would be good, however it's not, because they still don't know what's wrong with him. That makes "treating" anything difficult.

On Sunday, they tried antibiotics, but he showed no immediate response. Because of this and Nikolas being born with a physical abnormality, they are under the impression that it is most likely a congenital defect that may or may not respond to steroids.

HEA has decided to continue his round the clock veterinary care as well as steroid injections, IV fluids and pain medications. He refuses to eat for the nurses so they are syringe feeding him (but he did eat some for Amanda when she went and spent time with him). He is also basically non-responsive to them, but did purr and try to put his head up for Amanda when she visited this afternoon.

The prognosis given by the veterinarians is "guarded." This means Nikolas needs your support. Please "say a little prayer" for our sweet boy in hopes of a recovery.

As many of you know the cost of veterinary care adds up quickly, especially emergency vet care. Nikolas may not recover, but on the other hand he may. The only way of knowing is by giving his mind, body, and soul a chance to respond to the medications and the power of love that is surrounding him. The body can take several days to respond to the steroids, which means round-the-clock veterinary care will have to continue to be provided. If you would be willing to help in Nikolas' care and show him that we all care and love him, please send monetary donations to HEA, E5714 Bork Road, Marion WI 54950 or go to the donation page of our website and click on the JustGive Donate Now button.

HEA and Nikolas thank you for the support. We will continue to share with you Nikolas' condition...hopefully good news!

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