Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Help us find Melvin a home!

We are in need of some help – to find a purrrrrfect home for a special cat named Melvin. He has had a hard road to tread so far in his life and we are hoping to find a loving place that he can call his own.

Melvin was brought to Happily Ever After over a year ago as a stray. When he first arrived, he had a serious upper respiratory infection that was wreaking havoc on his entire body. Even though he was fighting abattle against an illness, he always had the energy to purr when being brushed or petted. With a little extra TLC and medication, he made a complete recovery.

His tough time left some battle scars for Melvin. Due to the upper respiratory infection, his nasal passages have been damaged. As a result, Melvin snorts on occasion. These snorts have become an endearing sound to all volunteers that know him. Lastly, his immune system was affected, which causes some nasal discharge when he is stressed or experiencing a change.
Melvin has a very easy-going personality and loves to be in the company of people and other animals. He believes everyone is his best friend and will casually stroll up to you to say “hi.” He will back away from conflict or drama and not get involved. If he is hissed or growled at, he will not hold a grudge, but try again later. Due to his longer coat, he does not mind being groomed and looks adorable with a lion cut.
During his recovery phase, a Happily Ever After volunteer fostered Melvin for many months. When the time came, he was transferred to the Green Bay PetSmart adoption center in hopes to find a forever home. Unfortunately, Melvin recently had to be removed from PetSmart because he was having a response to some stress at the adoption center.

We are calling out to all of our Happily Ever After friends to band together to find Melvin a person or family that he can love. Please talk with any family and friends that may be considering adopting a cat about Melvin. He is a special guy that needs our attention because he is long overdue for some good fortune! If you or someone you know is interested in Melvin, please e-mail or call 920.639.2654. On behalf of Melvin, THANKS for your help!

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